Thursday, February 18, 2010

Entrepreneurship Innovation

This can be applied for business as well as individual. I am an entrepreneur and I love it. These are somethings' I have learned.

What makes you successful is your willingness to learn or know more than others, coupled with your guile, humbleness, and execution. You have to have total respect for will for submission sometimes.

What makes others more or less successful than you is their willingness to listen, learn, and apply the opportunities they are presented with; along with work ethic and skill set. If you are more willing - it is likely that you are more successful and have a higher skill set. If you are less willing - then you know why you "are where you are" and not progressing as well...

Challenge yourself to take a risk sometimes, no challenges means you will not get any better. That is just like working out and lifting the same weights over and over. Nothing will happen until you step it up and push yourself to the next level. APPLY the action.

You may be surprised to find that you just FOUND your key to success hidden under a shroud of FEAR and RISK.

“If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative.”
- Woody Allen

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