Saturday, January 30, 2010


What is organizational culture (OC)? the value perspective? the behavioral perspective? Are these two perspectives related to each other in any way?
  • organizational cultureAccording to the article organizational culture has long been recognized as the underlying set of values system that determins how firms perceive and react to their environment. Organizational culture refers to the general culture within a company or organization, and is often also referred to as corporate culture, though that isn't the best description since a large non-profit organization or charity could also have its own organizational culture even though they are definitely not corporations. Here are some of the many definitions of organizational culture that can be found. What I feel it means is viewing a group's general reaction to stimulus. An organizational culture is a group of people who have been trained, or who simply have learned by those around them, how to act in any given situation. In this way, corporate culture functions just as any social learning does.
  • Value perspective the core assumption of the organization. 5 types of value perspective of an organizational culture include high involvement, high consistency, adaptive, and high mission. In contrast to a focus on underlying assumptions by value perspective, the behavioral perspective focuses on culture as defined by actual work practices. Behavioral perspective include process/results, employee/job, parochial/professional, open/closed system, loose/tight control, and normative/pragmatic. I think these two are directly related because the value dimension will soon lead you to the behavioral dimension.
  • OC influence knowledge creationAny organization that dynamically deals with a changing environment ought not only to process information efficiently but also create information and knowledge. Analyzing the organization in terms of its design and capability to process information imposed by the environment no doubt constitutes an important approach to interpreting certain aspects of organizational activities. However, it can be argued that the organization’s interaction with its environment, together with the means by which it creates and distributes information and knowledge, are more important when it comes to building an active and dynamic understanding of the organization. Knowledge is created through the interact of the entire organizational as well as its cultural environment.
  • OC influence knowledge transfer according to wikipedia Knowledge transfer in the fields of organizational development and organizational learning is the practical problem of transferring knowledge from one part of the organization to another (or all other) part(s) of the organization.Like Knowledge Management,Knowledge transfer seeks to organize, create, capture or distribute knowledge and ensure its availability for future users. It is considered to be more than just acommunication problem. The organizational influence on how knowledge is transferred depends on the job, the experience, and the social atmosphere in which is created.
  • How can knowledge management initiatives impact OC? It has an instant impact on the organizational culture through the growing technology. Things that were difficult are now easily done because of the ability and the capability for knowledge to be shared throughout the organization. This will also lead to trust throughout the organization as well. Employees can look to each other in the organization to solve problems, and get things done.

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